Please find below our daily SolBe Family update letter containing helpful resources and exciting projects to explore while we all do our part to stay home during this pandemic. Subscribe here to receive daily updates.

April 3, 2020

SolBe Families,

Happy Friday!

Good News of the Day: Dolly Parton is reading bedtime stories at 7 PM EST on weeknights.  “Goodnight wth Dolly” began yesterday with a reading of “The Little Engine that Could.” It is looking like another rainy weekend here in New England…make the best of it with suggesting “50 ways to play in the rain.” If you are craving an indoor dance party, check out SolBe Learning on Spotify for the greatest hits from our classrooms!

Project of the Day Infants & Toddlers: Sensory Play for Babies from The TinkerLab:

It’s exciting to see a baby emerge from the shell of sleepiness and into the world of awareness; a transition that becomes more obvious as she mimics a smile, tracks movement above her head, or is surprised by sounds.

One of our family’s favorite activities for tactile awareness is to gently billow and twirl a colorful scarf above and over the baby’s head, bringing huge waves of joy to her face that we can only interpret as awe. I like silk scarves for their translucent flowing quality, but lightweight cotton works nicely too.

This stuffed bee, with its plush body and crinkly wings, is the first object my older daughter grasped independently. Gaining knowledge through the sense of touch. Soft and squeaky. Tension and texture. I noticed she was especially fascinated by the crinkly wings, which led to this next experiment…

I found a noisy, crinkly bag. Chip, cracker, and baby wipes bags are usually really good for this sort of thing. Test different bags to find a sound you like, or make a few of these to play with different sounds.”

Project of the Day Older Toddlers & Preschoolers: Egg Carton Garden Activity from Revolution Foods:

“Creating an egg-carton garden is an enjoyable and rewarding way to learn about seeds and how they grow and teach lessons about sustainability. Gardening also fosters children’s interest in nature, encourages making healthy food choices, and provides a great opportunity for experiential learning.

Supplies You’ll Need

  • A paper egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Potting soil
  • Coffee grounds
  • Seeds

What type of egg carton should I use?

Egg cartons are typically made of paper or styrofoam. We recommend using paper egg cartons for the following reasons

  • Styrofoam is not biodegradable and will not break down in the environment.
  • Styrofoam is not water-absorbent and will not soak up and retain moisture for your seedlings.


Step 1: Cut the lid from an egg carton off with scissors.

Step 2: Poke a small drainage hole in the bottom of each egg cell, using the tip of a pencil.

Step 3: Place the egg carton lid under the bottom to create a drainage tray.

Step 4: Fill the individual egg cups about half full of the planting soil. Keep the recommended planting depth in mind. This information should be on the back of your seed packets. Some seeds will need to be planted deeper, so add more soil during this step for those seeds.

Step 5: Add the seeds. Be sure to not add too many seeds to each egg cell as overcrowded seedlings will often die off.

Step 6: Cover the seeds with a thin layer of potting soil.

Step 7: Water the seeds lightly with a spray bottle. Mist as needed to keep the potting soil lightly moist. Don’t over-water, as soggy soil prevents germination and may kill emerging seedlings.

Step 8: Place the egg cartons in the sun. Different plants have different sunlight requirements – the seed packets should give you the particulars.

Step 9: Water the seedlings regularly and watch them grow!”

More resources to follow in the coming days. Feedback and more ideas welcome, as always!

Be well and stay healthy!

The SolBe Team